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  • Safe for all Skin Types

  • Painless

  • No Downtime

  • Customisable

  • Non-Invasive

Sometimes, even when you try all of the
latest diet trends and work-out routines,
that stubborn fat just doesn’t budge.
At RABL, we offer a fat reduction treatment
called fat freezing (cryolipolysis). 
It essentially does what it says in the name:
freezes your fat cells to the point they disappear.  
In today’s day and age, you don’t need to go through
surgical liposuction to achieve the
body goals that you desire

Book a consultation today and see how we can sculpt
your body into the shape you want.
Say goodbye to unwanted and stubborn fat today.

Recommended to...


Individuals with localised fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise.


Those seeking a non-surgical fat reduction solution.


People close to their target weight but with specific areas of concern.


Individuals looking for gradual, natural-looking results.


Those with realistic expectations

regarding treatment

process & outcomes.


Suitable for both men and women.


Effective for various body types and skin tones.


Adults in good overall health without contraindications to the procedure.


Individuals willing to maintain a healthy lifestyle post-treatment.

Areas where Cryolipolysis can treat


Abdomen - 

Target belly fat for a slimmer midsection.

Love Handles - 

Address excess fat on the sides of the torso.

Thighs - 

Reduce inner and outer thigh circumference.

Hips - 

Slim down hip areas for a more defined silhouette.

Back -

Target bra bulges and excess fat on the upper or lower back.

Upper Arms -

Achieve toned arms by reducing fat in this area.

Chin and Neck -

 Eliminate submental fat, or "double chin."

Buttocks -  

Enhance contours by reducing fat on the buttocks.

Underneath the Buttocks -

Address fat deposits beneath the buttocks, also known as the "banana roll."

Male Chest -

 Reduce excess fat in the male chest area.

Speak to an expert today

Call us or fill out our quick and easy online form and we will be in touch to arrange a date that best suits you.


Enhancing Natural

We're all about enhancing your natural curves and contours. Cryolipolysis helps by reducing those pockets of fat that just won't budge, giving you a smoother, more sculpted appearance.



Cryolipolysis can be tailored to address specific areas of concern, allowing for a personalized treatment approach. Whether it's love handles, thighs, or the abdomen, our clinic can target those trouble spots for optimal results


Minimal Downtime

After the treatment, clients can usually hop right back into their daily routine without any major interruptions. It's perfect for those with busy schedules who don't want to take too much time off.


Safe and Effective

Backed by years of research and clinical studies, cryolipolysis is recognized as a safe and effective fat reduction treatment. Clients can feel confident knowing they're in good hands at our clinic.


FDA-approved and clinically proven for fat reduction.


Minimal discomfort

Generally well-tolerated with mild sensations during treatment.


No Downtime

Resume normal activities immediately after sessions.



Tailored treatment plans to address individual concerns.


Natural results

Gradual fat reduction for a smoother, sculpted appearance.



Can target multiple areas such as abdomen, thighs, and arms.



 Permanent fat cell reduction with proper maintenance.


Confidence boost

Enhances body contours, leading to improved self-image.



Protects surrounding tissues while targeting fat cells.


 Key Benefits of Cryolipolysis 

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