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Skin Laser Resurfacing

  • Acne Removal â€‹

  • Improve Texture and Tone

  • Minimal downtime

  • Non-Surgical

  • Rapid Results

CO2 laser treatment is an advanced
fractional procedure for skin rejuvenation.


The laser creates controlled thermal damage, stimulating collagen production
and remodeling the skin, resulting in smootherand more youthful-looking skin.


Experience Rapid
Noticeable Results

Comfortable Procedure with Minimal Downtime

Regain Smooth
Clear Skin

CO2 laser treatment is a valuable option for acne scar removal. The controlled thermal damage created by the laser prompts the skin to heal and regenerate, stimulating collagen production and remodelling the skin.


This process leads to a reduction in the visibility of acne scars, including atrophic, hypertrophic, and ice-pick scars.


Multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to achieve optimal results, depending on the severity of the scars. Our doctors will assess your skin type, scar type, and treatment goals to determine the most suitable approach for your specific case.

CO2 for Acne Scar Removal: Regain Smooth and Clear Skin

Combat Skin Aging
and Imperfections

Scientific studies consistently demonstrate the efficacy of CO2 laser in improving skin tone and texture. This versatile treatment effectively combats skin aging, smoothing fine lines, deep wrinkles, various types of scarring, and stretch marks, providing a rejuvenated appearance.

Customised Treatment for
Your Specific Needs


At RABL, we understand that each individual’s skin rejuvenation goals are unique. Our experienced specialists tailor the CO2 laser treatment to meet your specific needs and desired outcomes. Whether you seek subtle enhancements or more significant transformations, our team will create a personalised treatment plan to help you achieve the best results.

Speak to an expert today

Call us or fill out our quick and easy online form and we will be in touch to arrange a date that best suits you.

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